Archive for the ‘Miscellaneous tips’ Category

Fill-In Idea for the Church Pianist

Thursday, October 11th, 2018

Over time…I plan to publish a series of booklets dealing with various “Fill-ins for the Church Pianist.”

Here is a sample page demonstrating a five-note span fill-in. Written instructions will be added…suggesting how to use this particular fill-in.

Scenario for this fill-in: When a half note + quarter note have same melody note…followed by an ascending 3rd.

Special note: Start fill-in a 3rd below starting note.

#1 is the hymnal version and #2 is the improvised version showing the fill-in  (Same for “It is Well” below)

Example #1:  E is the starting note for the word “that” …start the fill-in a 3rd below E which is C as shown in example #2

Further application:  Try finding the same scenario in the following hymns and add this five-note span fill-in:

  1. Just As I Am (more spots not covered below in the example)
  2. I Love to Tell the Story (one spot in chorus)
  3. Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (one spot in chorus)



Piano Offertory Idea: Medley

Wednesday, August 29th, 2018

Hey! Just played a medley for offertory tonight that I REALLY enjoyed (homespun of course;)

Oh How He Loves You & Me (followed by…..)
O How I Love Jesus (chorus only)
Tag: the last line of Oh How He Love You & Me

Lyrics seem to flow in this order. I liked ending with the last line of “Oh How He Loves You & Me” for emphasis.

Oh how I WISH that “Oh How He Loves You & Me” were public domain but still under copyright.

In the Sweet By and By (free video tutorial)

Monday, August 13th, 2018

Busy times here lately so just barely time for a quick video tutorial on In the Sweet By and By.

One of my readers recently requested piano solo ideas for In the Sweet By and By and here’s what I had time to share.

Editor notes for first half of verse: 

Left hand (eighth note movement to produce a flowing affect)

Right hand used one four note fast passage (16th notes) for dressup….see if you notice where it occurred 🙂

Editor notes for second half of verse:

Left hand pattern changed for variety (Eighth note…quarter note…eighth note…..etc.) *See above picture for illustration of rhythmic pattern.

Right hand: I added alto note for more fullness


Less movement for variety

Occasional rhythmic dress-ups in right hand

Interlude Tip for the Church Pianist

Thursday, July 12th, 2018

Ever have a hard time trying to figure out what to use for an interlude between verses when accompanying a vocalist or other small ensemble?

Here’s just one interlude method I use to help the soloist find his way back to the next verse…

Easy Six Beat Note Fill!

Saturday, May 19th, 2018

Easy Six Beat Note Fill In!

Sharing one of my favorite fill ins for pianists!

Use this fill in for hymns in 3/4, 9/4, 6/8, 9/8 and 12/8

Where to use? On a melody note lasting 6 beats.

How to use? Determine what chord is being used during the six count note.

Left hand plays single bass note in lower register of keyboard on 1st beat and plays a chord on fourth beat.

Right hand enters on beats two through beat six.

Tip: To prevent disorientation….notice the melody note you’re heading to after the fill-in.

Apply to hymns of like nature using the time signatures listed above.

Below…is a video demonstrating the four examples from video above.





Piano Offertory Ideas for When I Survey

Wednesday, May 2nd, 2018

Need piano offertory ideas for When I Survey? I just shared a few tips with a skype student yesterday that may be helpful for other church pianists.

Keep in mind this lesson is geared to the early intermediate student but the tips are applicable to all levels of church pianists.

Wordy Hymns

Thursday, April 19th, 2018

To me…a wordy hymn is just that…a hymn with a lot of words which also contains a  busy rhythm such as  eighth notes.

Watch the video below to learn a tip on how to make wordy hymns sound smooth instead of choppy.

Click on title to download FREE pdf for the verse of “My Savior First of All”


Church Pianist Tip: “Choosing Specials”

Monday, April 9th, 2018

Do any of your special music people ask you to help them choose a special?  Over time…our special music people have learned that I ENJOY helping them choose a song.  Watch the video below to learn a suggested tip on how I help them choose their special. (There are other factors too but dealing with the main one first.)  🙂


Wordy Hymns: How to Play with a Conversational Style

Thursday, March 15th, 2018


How to play with a conversational style on wordy hymns…a topic that’s been on my mind lately.

A good example of a wordy hymn is “My Savior First of All”.  I’ll share tips on how church pianists can play this particular hymn with a natural/conversational tone…making for a more meaningful delivery even when playing for congregational singing.

Coming soon….next week 🙂  Hmm…next week has come and gone due to unavoidable circumstances 🙁  I will do this asap!


Nothing but the Blood of Jesus

Tuesday, February 13th, 2018

Nothing but the Blood of Jesus uses only two chords through the entire song! (The I and V)

This hymn is crying out for “dress-ups” from the church pianist.

Here’s several ideas I use to dress up the verse of “Nothing but the Blood”.

Notice the melody of the verse contains a lot of repeated notes.  A great time to add some spice! 🙂 You can even hold a right chord through repeated notes here and there.  You’ll notice I kept the left hand moving during the right hand chords to maintain forward motion/rhythmic drive.  The following example can be used for an entire verse if repeated.

Click here for your free download of “Nothing but the Blood of Jesus” improvising ideas.