Archive for the ‘Important Information’ Category

Choreo Keeper Give Away ( No Page Turns for the Pianist)

Friday, December 10th, 2021

Choreo Keeper Notebook Giveaway!

December 10, 2021 – December 19, 2021… 8 pm EST

No Page Turns for the Church Pianist!  

I’m hosting a giveaway for a free Choreo Keeper! (retails for $35.99)

No page turns?!  It’s possible with the Choreo Keeper!  I bought one of these notebooks a couple of years ago and absolutely LOVE it!  I use it for offertories, choir arrangements and funerals, etc.

Meet Catherine, the designer of the Choreo Keeper in the video below.  She will give the best description!

Thanks Catherine for providing this free giveaway!

Giveaway Guidelines: 

Simply leave one comment below to enter the drawing.  The giveaway will last until December 19th, 2021….8 pm EST.

The winner will be announced here on my website by 10 pm EST on 19th.

Please note:  If you’re located outside the US, you can still enter and win, but will be asked to defray international shipping charges by paying $17 (US$). Please remember that the sheet protector pockets are sized for US Letter.

More details on paper size at .

Now hear Catherine give a great description of the Choreo Keeper!



Trying to Reach…..

Wednesday, December 1st, 2021

I received a message on my answering machine this evening on December 1, 2021.

A lady was requesting permission to use my arrangement of “In the Bleak Midwinter” during a livestream service at her church.

The last digit of her phone number was cut off!  I have no way of contacting her!

I’m hoping she will see this post and call again. Thanks!

Playing for Funerals

Saturday, June 26th, 2021

Have you ever wondered what to play for a funeral or how loud or soft to play?  Watch this video for tips on playing for a funeral at your own church.



Funeral Hymn Suggestions (List of hymns)

Funeral Hymn Collection (sheet music)


Facebook Live Tonight! Jenifer Plays Comforting Hymns

Thursday, June 17th, 2021

I’ll be playing a handful of John W Peterson songs in addition to a new advanced arrangement of God Will Take Care of You.

I plan to publish God Will Take Care of You by this Saturday.  Speaking of comforting hymns…WHAT a comforting hymn!  The words and melody are SO soothing.  Once you hear the story behind this hymn written in 1904….the hymn will mean even more to you!  From the mouth of a young one this hymn was born!

Please join me for an evening of music around the piano.  Wish you all could be here in person so we could hear everyone sing together!

See the playlist below for tonight’s list of Comforting Hymns for June 17, 2021 at 8pm EST. Grab your hymnals so you can sing along!



Part Two: Dwelling in Beulah Land (Chorus)

Monday, May 24th, 2021

I checked the most recent recording of our congregation singing Dwelling in Beulah Land and discovered they didn’t sing it as fast as I was thinking.

My son led this hymn in a more moderate tempo.  But…the arrangement is quite suitable for medium speed.

Some hymns just seem more demanding than others. This is one of those hymns!  Once you see the chorus…you may understand why I’m tired after playing just one verse and chorus!  😉

I get very emotionally involved in the text as you’ll notice in the chorus 😉

I’m sure  you all may have even better ideas for this particular hymn. Special note: I did add several corrections to this arrangement as of June 8th, 2021

Click here for verse and chorus



Question Concerning the Chorus:

Anybody know the purpose for the right hand quarter rests during the chorus?


Nahum Meister’s Fundraiser

Thursday, May 20th, 2021

Watch the facebook live video below… which aired May 20, 2021.

Click on the link below to download a printable version of this playlist.

Gather your hymnals and sing-a-long!

Feel free to leave an encouraging note to the Meister family below…thanks!

Thanks for your continued prayers.  Keep them coming!  It’s a miracle he’s even alive thanks to God’s hand of mercy.


Event Link

Donation information  (this opportunity available through May 29th, 2021






Comforting Hymns Live on Facebook Tonight! May 20th 8pm EST

Thursday, May 20th, 2021



I’m hosting a fundraiser tonight on facebook live for a dear friend’s six year old son who had a tragic accident causing severe head trauma.

I’ll still play for a while as usual… beginning at 8pm EST this evening.

Click link below for my live video this evening.

Tip:  Show up few minutes early online to give yourself time to find me 😉

Sunshine Meister, the Mom of this boy, has been posting daily updates on her son’s progress in addition to how God is working in their lives through this situation.  God’s grace is SO evident during this challenging time.

Sunshine ends each daily post with hymn lyrics.

All of the hymns on my playlist were taken from a lot of Sunshine’s posts.

Click here to see her posts:  Daily Facebook Posts

See the latest video below showing Nahum reacting to his Grandma’s voice for the first time since his accident at the end of March.

The family truly appreciates your prayers. Keep praying!  God is working!  🙂   I’m including the donation information for those who are able to help towards the Meister family’s medical expense. 100% of the donations go to the Meister family.

Donation Information


Church Pianist Update

Wednesday, May 12th, 2021

A lot has been going on since about March.  All is well but just a lot of major events that are now settling down 🙂

One of the major events is we will be fostering a child around the age of 11 or 12 this summer.  A lot of prep goes into this!  🙂

We’re excited about giving a kid a chance in life.  It’s the least we can do to reach out while we’re still young enough to do so.

I’m hoping to have a little more wiggle room this summer to create more posts here on my website.

I’ve been writing arrangements for my piano students as of late and also working on an advanced piano arrangement of “God Will Take Care of You’.

Next Thursday, I’ll be hosting a fundraiser event for one of my piano friends on facebook live…

May 20th at 8pm EST. I’ll be playing comforting hymns for the Meister family. Please join me in supporting this family through prayers and other help if God lays it on your heart.

Event link:

Their six year old son had a very tragic accident…causing severe head trauma.
He’s been in the hospital over six weeks now. Nahum has recently been moved to the therapy floor. ( a miracle!)
We praise the Lord for the little steps of improvement along the way. God is good.
His latest achievement has been eating liquid from a spoon. ( see video below)
Nahum’s parents have allowed God to take the reins during this challenging time.
Many lives have been touched by seeing God’s grace at work.



Jenifer Cook Plays Live on Facebook…No Account Needed

Wednesday, March 10th, 2021

I’ll be playing live on facebook March 18th, 2021 at 8pm EST

You won’t need an account to view this event.  Just click on the link below… around 7:55pm that evening to give yourself time to find me.

Once you’re on my facebook page….you may have to scroll down the page to see live video of  me or the piano in my livingroom. You’ll see the same view as the picture below.

Event Link:  My Church Pianist Facebook Page


Church Pianist Update!

Friday, February 19th, 2021

Headed to meet up with one of my piano friends, Meryt Wilson!  We try to meet at least once a year to trade ideas and just have fun playing the piano or pianos together!  I’ll try to share the highlights of our meeting asap!

I’m almost finished with a very advanced arrangement of “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus!”

Meryt will test drive the piece for me today before final publication.

Be in touch soon!