Archive for the ‘Important Information’ Category

Church Pianist: What I’ve Been Doing

Friday, May 26th, 2023




Here’s a list at what I’ve been writing and hope to publish very soon!

One Day (congregational) *early advanced

Wonderful Grace of Jesus (congregational)* early advanced

My Country Tis of Thee (piano trio) Levels:  Early elementary, Late elementary & early intermediate

My grandson and two other pianists will be playing My Country Tis of Thee for July 2nd am service.


New Sacred Piano Arrangements on the Way…Late Elementary Level to Early Intermediate

Tuesday, April 18th, 2023

I just wrote two piano hymn arrangements yesterday with my students in mind. They’re still in the handwritten stage right now.

The names of the pieces are All Hail the Power (late elementary)  and Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (early intermediate)

These two arrangements came about after turning up a limited supply of hymn arrangements at these levels.

I’m sure there are more nice selections at this level depending on what style you’re looking for. I prefer to expose my students to different arrangers for a more diverse experience at playing the piano.

Some of my favorite books near the late elementary to early intermediate are…  (Click on book images to view more information)

Maybe some of you could suggest your favorite books or sheet music at these levels for us to glean from.  Thanks!







One Day (Easter Piano Solo) Very Advanced!

Thursday, March 9th, 2023

Surprise!  “One Day” is public domain!  Here’s the note I received last week giving me the green light to publish this beautiful Easter hymn.

From CCLI Song Select (customer service).


I will publish “One Day” advanced piano solo tomorrow March 10th 2023



Update on Surprise Easter Piano Arrangement (Very advanced!)

Thursday, March 9th, 2023

I just finished inputting the surprise Easter piano solo arrangement into my note software!

Now for the final touches before publication. It’s four pages in length (Two verses and two choruses)

Here’s a peek at one of the measures…

Surprise Coming!

Wednesday, March 8th, 2023

Coming Soon! Plug in a Colorful Chord!

Saturday, August 27th, 2022

No One Understands Like Jesus ( advanced piano hymn solo)

Tuesday, June 28th, 2022

Since my Dad’s passing…

I have had the song, “No One Understands Like Jesus” on my mind.

The words have brought great comfort to me.

 John W Peterson, one of my favorite hymn writers, wrote this beautiful hymn.

I have secured permission from the John W Peterson Company, to write and publish this arrangement.

At the moment, I’m on the last page of the hand written form.  Hope to publish the sheet music sometime in July.


Facebook Live: Hymns of Heaven & Comfort by Jenifer Cook

Wednesday, June 15th, 2022

My dad passed away peacefully on June 2nd with most of his immediate family present.

I wasn’t able to get there soon enough before Dad passed but I did get to talk face to face with him on my phone.

How I miss him but know he’s so much better off.   My Mom is doing well. God has brought much peace to our family.

Thank you all for your prayers and notes of encouragement.

Dad & Mom were a big part of my musical training without them even realizing it.  They always brought the hymns and songs to life by singing with such expression as though they were just speaking the words.  Dad always taught me to “feel” the music.

He would say “Singing is just elongated speech”.  How true that is!

Over the years the words to hymns have been such a balm to my soul.  Now…hymns have taken on a deeper meaning.

Mom and I were talking the other night on the phone…trying to come up with a playlist for tomorrow’s facebook event.

We decided to focus on hymns of heaven & comfort.  Mom reflectively said,  “You know…Dad sang more about heaven

recently than any other time.”

I will be playing live on Facebook tomorrow evening June 16, 2022… at 8pm EST.  Anyone on or off facebook can view the video at the following link:

You may have to scroll down to find me at the link above.

Click below for printable version of my playlist for tomorrow…in case you want to sing or play along.

Hymns of Heaven & Comfort Playlist



How To Add Sixteenth Note Runs in a Hymnal

Tuesday, May 3rd, 2022

I’m almost finished with a tutorial showing how to add sixteenth note runs to hymns.  (For the late intermediate pianist and beyond)

This particular tutorial will deal with adding runs to congregational accompaniment.

There will be five pages of examples for this particular run in various keys, time signatures and different hymn excerpts.

Each example will not only show the run application but will also share a graceful way to work out of the run.

This Sixteenth Note Run tutorial will be available in my online store asap.

I’ll publish a brief you tube commercial before publication.

For adequate preparation on my part….What questions do you have about playing runs in hymns or what difficulties do you face when playing runs etc.?   Thanks in advance for any feedback!




Choreo Keeper Winner!

Sunday, December 19th, 2021