Posts Tagged ‘piano tip’

Piano Tip: Rushed vs. Non-rushed!

Friday, May 3rd, 2019

I think we’ve all been guilty of rushing busy passages in piano arrangements.  The brain computes…”lots of notes….I must go fast!”

When in reality, a lot of these passages are meant to be handled a bit slower than what appears on the page.

Take time to “feel” the music…breathing life into the piece!


Excellent Website for Church Pianists!

Monday, January 18th, 2010

James Koerts and I attended the same church many years ago. I have always enjoyed his style of playing. 

He has an excellent website that offers resources to church musicians. You’ll find several free sacred piano arrangements as well!  My favorite arrangement is  For the Beauty of the Earth.

His latest piano tip article entitled, Tips for Playing Piano Preludes, emphasizes how the songs used in the prelude should be familiar to the congregation…so important! 

 Visit Jame’s website at