Posts Tagged ‘free piano arrangement’
Thursday, January 15th, 2015

Working on “I Am Resolved” prelude arrangement for one of my hymnprovising students. She was asking about different left hand fill-ins because of all the repeated bass notes so…I was just going to jot down a few ideas for her and wound up writing the whole verse! Guess that means I need to write out the chorus too.
I’ll share the verse hopefully by this evening (once I enter it into Finale).
This particular student is needing to expand her right hand playground area. She has always played right hand in the middle area of the keyboard. I’m gradually conditioning her to broaden the right hand playing area… as you’ll notice towards the end of the verse.
My student and I laughed as I observed her trying to improvise on her own…playing the right hand an octave higher. The funny part was she had no idea what to do with her left hand at that point since she had all that extra space! 😉
She WILL improve as she broadens her horizon! I look forward to working with her at this stage of her hymn playing and plan to share with you all… what we do each week.
Look forward to sharing the first part of a free piano prelude arrangement soon!
Tags: free piano arrangement, i am resolved, improvise, Improvising hymns
Posted in Composing, congregational singing, Free music, Improvising hymns | 1 Comment »
Thursday, October 30th, 2014

Downloadable Link Below
I was going to share a free sampling of left hand improvising ideas for Revive Us Again but I wound up writing a full verse and chorus of this challenging hymn. It’s not a hard hymn to play but difficult to dress up for congregational singing.
The first line of the hymn is basically the same chord! Most church pianists realize that they have to adhere to the chord structure in the hymnal when playing for congregational singing IF their congregation sings parts…to prevent chord clashes. I can’t help but add chord substitutions on this hymn! Our congregation doesn’t sing parts so I can have fun! 🙂
I’m sharing several improvising ideas for Revive Us Again (congregational style). I tried to liven up the 1st line of music by creating broken chord tones and alternating bass notes within the same chord. A broken chord tone pattern already exists in the hymnal version but offered a little different one and added a little more variety than the hymnal version.
Tags: church pianist, free piano arrangement, revive us again
Posted in Accompaniment tips, congregational singing, Free music, Improvising hymns, Pedal tips, Thanksgiving | 5 Comments »
Friday, October 3rd, 2014
With Thanksgiving right around the corner…I thought I’d share a free advanced piano prelude arrangement of “Showers of Blessing”.
Notice the tempo marking at the beginning. The rate of speed makes the difference in this piece! I didn’t realize how much activity there was in my prelude playing until penning this particular one to paper. Wow! No wonder I’m tired after preludes! 😉
*You can download the pdf version and hear complete audio at the bottom of this article.

*Click on title to download pdf version of this free piano arrangement:
“Showers of Blessing”
You need to have the Audio Player Plugin installed to use this shortcode
Tags: free piano arrangement, showers of blessing
Posted in Free music, Offertories, Seasonal / Other, Thanksgiving | 5 Comments »
Monday, June 30th, 2014

I just created this one page piano arrangement of “At Calvary” this past week for one of my hymn playing students. I’m teaching her to branch out from the middle of the keyboard when improvising hymns for prelude or congregational style.
She is accustomed to playing octaves with her left hand and now we’re trying to condition her right hand to play an octave higher with some fullness (up to 3 notes) and will gradually work into more right hand octaves.
Editor notes for the free piano arrangement of At Calvary:
Measure #5… Right hand plays octave higher for brief moment before working back to middle of keyboard in measure #7. (Notice the gradual transition)
Measure #8… double duty octaves on the last 3 beats.
Measure #15…Octave workout!
Measure #16…Just had to give her at least one 4 note chord 🙂
Click here to download Free Piano Arrangement: At Calvary

Tags: at calvary, free piano arrangement, octave, octaves
Posted in Accompaniment tips, congregational singing, Free music, Improvising hymns, Miscellaneous tips | 8 Comments »
Thursday, February 6th, 2014
Here’s the video of me playing my (free) piano hymn arrangement of “The Old Rugged Cross” for the recent Hymnplaying Master Class held at The Wilds Music Conference. (December 2013)
I received helpful critique! Thanks to Faye Lopez and Duane Ream for their constructive advice. I look forward to improving my hymn arranging through any learning opportunities I can find! (The harmonic structure tips were things I knew to do but just hadn’t noticed them in the piece.)
I couldn’t believe I left a melody note out in the original arrangement on measure #18 (meas. #16 in revised version)…I”m a stickler for following the words as I play but my mind must have been on another verse….so embarrassing to have such an error 🙁 Duane made SURE I saw that error 😉 Seriously, I appreciated the emphasis he made on keeping the melody CLEAR..after all….it’s the message we try to convey as church pianists…right?
I’m posting the (graded/corrected) copy of the arrangement below the video for ease of reference. The red squares throughout the arrangement notate the changes. Most of the changes were from the suggestions made on the video. (My personal note changes are in measures: 20, 24, 38, 40 and 48.)
You can download the new pdf of “The Old Rugged Cross” (minus the grading marks)…at the bottom of this article.
Click here to print: The Old Rugged Cross (revised)
Tags: free piano arrangement, hymn playing master class, old rugged cross, Wilds music conference
Posted in Accompaniment tips, Improvising hymns, Miscellaneous tips, Offertories, Special Music, Theory, Videos | 11 Comments »
Tuesday, February 4th, 2014

The next post will be a video of me being critiqued in Hymn Playing Master Class at the recent Wild’s Music Conference.
Just don’t feel sorry for me 😉 We all need a work over at times!
I played my free piano arrangement of “The Old Rugged Cross” for this class. So…you may want to have a copy of it handy during the video for reference.
Before you click to download your free copy of The Old Rugged Cross, you may want to wait until I provide the edited version based on the critique I received in this Hymn Playing Master Class. It’s all up to you.
Click here to print your free copy of “The Old Rugged Cross”. (original version)
Tags: free piano arrangement, hymn playing critique, hymn playing master class, the old rugged cross
Posted in Accompaniment tips, Chords, Improvising hymns, Offertories, Special Music, Theory | 3 Comments »
Wednesday, November 13th, 2013

Finished it! Hope you enjoy this free Christmas piano arrangement of “In the Bleak Midwinter”. The arrangement is written at an advanced level.
Click on the title to download free arrangement:
In the Bleak Midwinter
(image below is for viewing purposes only)

Click here to hear youtube video of this free piano arrangement of “In the Bleak Midwinter”
Tags: free piano arrangement, in the bleak midwinter, piano arrangement
Posted in christmas, Free music, Offertories, Seasonal / Other | 14 Comments »
Wednesday, November 13th, 2013

I’m on track to publish “In the Bleak Midwinter” by tonight after church.
For those just tuning in… I’m publishing a free advanced Christmas piano solo of “In the Bleak Midwinter”.
The melody and text of this song fit so well together! I thoroughly enjoyed trying to depict the setting of a calm winter’s night as a backdrop to this hymn.
Tags: free piano arrangement, in the bleak midwinter
Posted in Uncategorized | No Comments »
Friday, June 28th, 2013

Received a request from a church pianist just yesterday for this piano solo arrangement of He Hideth My Soul.
This free piano arrangement can be used as a short offertory or prelude special.
I will provide this song in two different keys 🙂
He Hideth My Soul in D Flat Major
He Hideth My Soul in C Major
Tags: church pianist, free piano arrangement, he hideth my soul
Posted in Free music, Improvising hymns, Offertories, Special Music | 7 Comments »