How to Add Chord Substitutions: Final Lesson

October 14th, 2013

Time to apply what was taught in lessons one through four on “How to Add Chord Substitutions”.

The following visual aid of the C Major scale and its chords will be helpful for this lesson!


Notice once again:  The Major chords above are indicated by an upper case Roman numeral.  The lower case Roman numeral indicates a minor chord.

Now for the fun part!…You’re about to learn how to find chord substitutions!

The bottom line:  The three major chords listed above in the key of C: I, IV and V can be substituted with a minor chord. How do do this?

Look for a minor chord that has at least two notes in common with a major chord.  For example:  A iii chord (EGB)  has two notes in common with the I chord (CEG).  That means….a iii chord can replace a I chord in the right setting.

Ok….can you find the other minor chord that has two notes in common with the C (I) chord?  Yes!  the vi (ACE)

Your Quiz:

1. Find the two minor chords that have two notes in common with the IV chord.

2. How about the two minor chords that are compatible with the V chord?


So…when to use the chord substitutions?  When a major chord lasts for two or more beats…there is time to use a minor chord substitution!  The melody note also dictates which substituted chord will sound right. (Hint: The left hand plays the chord substitution and the right hand may have to alter the alto note to match the substituted chord. (When playing from the hymnal)

*Special note:  (Observation from one of my readers)…Just go up or down two chords from a Major chord to find its minor chord substitutions.  (Thanks Victoria!)

I will provide visual examples in the next article!


Recovering From Surgery

September 29th, 2013


Just wanted to explain my temporary absence…recovering from surgery.

Not able to sit for more than few minutes at computer.  That will change in time 🙂

The doctor gave me a four to six week recovery.

The surgery was successful with several setbacks during recovery but now on the mend 🙂

Thanks SO much for your prayers! I can’t wait to start writing again!

“Simply trusting every day…trusting Jesus that is all.” 

God Can SAB Choir Arrangement Just Published!

September 20th, 2013

I’m excited to offer to you a wonderful mission/revival song  from the heart of Lynndale Hardeman.

Lynndale has written other songs as well that we plan to publish in the future.

I believe this is our church’s favorite choir piece!  The soul-stirring message of this SAB choir special will bless all who hear and sing it!

“…can God redeem a sinner…yes He can!”

“…can God revive a Christan…yes He can!”

“…can God restore a nation…yes He can!”

God Can
Trio or SAB sacred choir arrangement, 9 pgs. *Price covers 10 or more copies See video link below to hear our choir sing this arrangement. The written piano score is similar to the video. I played the arrangement by ear on the video.
Price: $8.00

Oops! Mistake in Lesson Four: How to Add Chord Substitutions

September 10th, 2013

Just want to apologize to my readers for getting the major & minor chord descriptions backwards.  At least I was consistent!  🙂

No….seriously, I just shouldn’t have been working on it so late at night.  To ease your minds….I do know the following:

4 half steps = Major 3rd

3 half steps = minor 3rd

Thanks to a reader that brought the mistake to my attention 🙂  I do appreciate that.  Now everyone can read the correct information in the following lesson:

“How to Add Chord Substitutions: Lesson 4”

I just want everyone squared away and ready for the grand finale lesson in this series of “How to Add Chord Substitutions”

*Please keep us in your prayers as my husband will be having surgery this month as well as myself, plus a grandson being born…all within one week of each other.

My posting may be less frequent during my recovery time but am trying to build up a few articles that will post automatically during my recovery time.

I thoroughly enjoy writing music and sharing ideas with you all!  God has truly blessed me with some wonderful readers!

How to Add Chord Substitutions: Lesson Four

September 7th, 2013

Answers to Lesson Three’s Assignment on Major and minor 3rds:

D flat to F  (Major 3rd)

C to E flat   (minor 3rd)

G# to B       (minor 3rd)

B to D#       (Major 3rd)

Now that you’ve learned Major and minor 3rds…you’re ready to apply this knowledge to the scale-based triads of any Major scale.

For ease of application, I’ll use the scale-based triads of the C Major scale listed below.


Notice that the triads either have an upper case or lower case roman numeral. Upper case indicates Major chord and lower case means minor chord. All Major scales have the same chord numbers.

For example, in G Major (which has one sharp)…the I chord would still be a Major chord and the ii chord would be minor, etc.

Now for applying your knowledge of major and minor 3rds…

1.  A Major chord consists of a Major 3rd plus a minor 3rd. For example: the 1st chord in the C scale (I) is a C chord (CEG).  From C to E is 4 half steps and from E to G is 3 half steps.

Remember: a minor 3rd consists of 3 half steps and a Major 3rd consists of 4 half steps.

So…from C to E is a Major 3rd and E to G is a minor 3rd.  A Major 3rd plus a minor 3rd = a Major chord!

2.  The minor chord ingredients are  just the opposite of a Major chord….a minor 3rd plus a Major 3rd = a minor chord!

  (See Lesson Three for more details)

With the knowledge learned in lessons one through four….you will be able to learn some VERY EASY chord substitutions! Can’t wait for the next lesson! The fun will begin 🙂  Review lessons one through four so you’ll be ready!  See links below for each lesson:

Lesson One

Lesson Two

Lesson Three


Hymns & Copyright Laws: Part One

September 5th, 2013

You’ve probably seen a comment on my site somewhere along the way that read something like this… “Sorry I can’t create an arrangement of (whatever hymn title) because it’s still under copyright law.”

How to know if a hymn is still under copyright?  Open a hymnal to any hymn and look at the bottom of the page. You will be looking for the symbol © or the word “copyright” with a year.


Copyrighted hymns fall into two categories:  Hymns written before 1978 and Hymns written after 1978.  I’ll cover the first category of copyrighted hymns in this article.

A. Copyrighted hymns written before January 1, 1978

To make a long story short…Copyrighted hymns published before 1978 are “automatically protected from the moment of its creation for the author’s life plus an additional 70 years after the author’s death.”


So…what’s so important about knowing this information?  Misuse of someone’s copyrighted song without their permission (such as: making photocopies, creating a recording of the song for profit or non-profit use)  is a form of stealing and therefore a federal offense.

Disclaimer:  The information shared in this article is not intended as legal advice; but rather to enlighten the reader.

Click here for more information



Upcoming Article on Copyrighted Hymns

August 23rd, 2013

How do I know if a hymn is copyrighted?  Can I make a CD of copyrighted music IF I’m giving it away for free?

How can I tell if a hymn is public domain?  Or…what does “public domain” mean?

Surely a hymn written over 90 years ago is not copyrighted!

I’ll be sharing several articles on this topic of Copyrighted Hymns.   Did you know that a copyrighted song written before January 1, 1978 can have a total lifespan of 95 years under copyright protection?

A very detailed topic to cover!  I will try to deliver the information as clear as possible in short segments.

Disclaimer:  The information covered in this article is not intended as legal advice.


Working on Huge Project!

August 20th, 2013


Just so you know…I’m feverishly working on a huge project that I want to finish as SOON as possible!

Here’s what I’m working on…

1. Finishing up “God Can” SAB choir arrangement

2. Congregational Hymnal for Church Pianists (HUGE project!)

I’m very excited about both of these projects but it takes turning off the world around me and staying in my gopher hole until I complete them!

“God Can” in the Works

August 12th, 2013

I’m working on the  “God Can” choir arrangement by Lynndale Hardeman.

For those of you who don’t know…I accidentally deleted my last year’s worth of music from my computer. Yes, it made me sick but just thankful I had hard copies of the most important pieces.  But, it means putting everything in my music program again note by note.  Needless to say, that’s why my progress is s-l-o-w-e-r.

I hope to have “God Can” ready by the end of August.  This particular arrangement is for SAB choir or small ensemble.  I’m excited about this particular piece since it has a very strong revival emphasis…which is what we need!

Look forward to publishing it (hopefully) soon!

For those who haven’t heard the arrangement, see video below:


How to Add Chord Substitutions: Lesson Three

August 6th, 2013

Reviewing Lesson Two

Here are the essential tools I’ve covered so far as prerequisites to adding chord substitutions:

Understanding the major scale (C scale was our example for ease of application) There are 8 notes in a scale.

The scale-based triads (3 note chord)

Term: Interval (distance between two notes)

Answers to  lesson two’s intervals:

*D to F  (3rd)

*C to G  (5th)

*B to G (6th)

*G to C  (4th)

Lesson Three: Half and Whole Steps

What if I play a D to the next F#…is that still a 3rd interval?  Yes it is!  So…what’s the difference between a D to F and a D to F#?  Well, a D to F is a minor 3rd and a D to F# sharp is a Major 3rd.  How do I know that? I learned about half and whole steps; used to create minor and major 3rds.

(The following lesson must be understood before you can identify minor and major 3rds.)

A half step is from one note to the very next (closest) note. For example: a C to C# is one half step.  Or….E to F is a half step…no key between the moves.


A whole step is from one note to the next neighbor note…such as C to D or F# to G#.  (A whole step has one key between its two notes)

C to D has a black key between them. F# to G# has a white key between them and B flat to C has a white key between them.


Very important lesson to remember!

Several Reasons why:

Because scales are made up of half and whole step patterns

What if someone says….”transpose up a half step”…must understand!

Major and minor chords are determined by number of 1/2 steps! (next lesson)

Understanding of sharp and flat notes (they move by 1/2 steps)

Black notes with movement lines

Now for the application of half and whole steps…

A minor 3rd = 3 half steps

A Major 3rd = 4 half steps


Identify the 3rds below the example as either minor or Major

Example: F to A = Major 3rd

(the numbers indicate the half step moves)


Hint: 1st half step counts after first note

D flat to F

C to E flat

G# to B

B to D#

Special Note!

Special Note!

Learning these theory lessons WILL help you know how to add chord substitutions.  Just hang in there and take good notes 😉