Jenifer Cook Plays Comforting Hymns

April 17th, 2020

Just thought I’d share my facebook live event from last night. I played about a dozen comforting hymns.

Happy Easter! Easter Piano Duo

April 12th, 2020

Here’s my Easter greeting to all!

Jenifer Cook: Live on Facebook Tomorrow!

April 9th, 2020

Due to cooler weather temps…I’m playing indoors at the same time & link listed below.

Feel free to join us live on facebook tomorrow evening from 6:30-7:30pm (Friday, April 10, 2020)

EVENT LINK: htpps://

You don’t have to have a facebook account to view this event. Just click on the following link which will take you to my personal facebook page. You may have to scroll down a little to locate the video.  If you show up early on my page….you’ll have to refresh the page when it gets closer time to start. I’ll try to remember to start up the video about five minutes early to give everyone time to find the video.

Requests are welcome! (you can only post comments/requests  under my live video IF you have a facebook account)

Request Categories:

Traditional Hymns

Classic Disney

Golden Oldies

Just pull up a chair and sing-a-long.




Virtual Hymn Playing Class with Shelly Hamilton

April 9th, 2020

I grew up in the Greenville SC area and always enjoyed hearing Shelly Hamilton play the piano.  She had a positive impact on my hymn playing style.  I enjoy using her Hymnproviser Workbook series (three books total) as reference material for my hymn playing teaching.

Click on this link to view Hymnproviser Workbook One.

For the next four Mondays, beginning April 13th at 2pm EST…Shelly Hamilton will teach fill-in ideas for one hymn per live-stream session. (30 minutes per session) She’s also planning on a question/answer time as well!  You will enjoy her teaching style as she shares how to make a hymn sound more full.

The live-stream sessions are geared to the intermediate church pianist.  Shelly is offering a quarantine special on this four session event!  I’m looking forward to tuning in for Shelly’s Virtual Hymn Playing Class starting this Monday at 2pm EST!

For more information, click on the following link: 

Virtual Hymn Playing with Shelly Hamilton

Jenifer Cook Plays Comforting Hymns

April 5th, 2020

Just thought I’d share my recent live facebook event from this past Thursday, April 2, 2020

Jenifer played requests from readers on her facebook page:

I start around the 2 minute mark 🙂

Advanced Piano Solo: God Leads Us Along

March 23rd, 2020

This arrangement began  as a spontaneous creation during one of Jenifer’s recent “Comforting Hymns” sessions…via live on facebook.

Due to numerous requests, Jenifer has written out the arrangement and now it’s available in print.

God Leads Us Along
Advanced sacred piano solo, 4 pgs. Two Verses and Choruses Key of E Flat Major to C Major Jenifer's most requested song during the Corona Virus.
Price: $4.25


Update: God Leads Us Along (advanced piano solo)

March 22nd, 2020

Due to numerous requests…I penned “God Leads Us Along” to paper.

Publication of this arrangement will take place sometime this coming week.













Hear Jenifer Live Via Facebook 9pm EST This Evening (March 19, 2020)

March 19th, 2020

Click on picture to go to her live facebook scheduled for 9pm EST




Update: God Leads Us Along (advanced piano solo)

March 19th, 2020

Just finished inputting the first page!

I’ve been sick since Sunday a week and a half ago so will try to finish asap.

I simply played this song from my heart not expecting others to want the arrangement.

Thanks for your kind words! Here’s a glimpse of the first page…

















Jenifer Plays Soothing Hymns to Encourage Her Friends

March 16th, 2020

Due to Numerous Requests…I’m currently writing the arrangement for “God Leads Us Along” from this video below…

A spontaneous video I created to comfort my friends. I hope these songs are a blessing to you all.