Two Pianos

Downloadable Music Only

Advanced Sacred Two Pianos Combo One
Advanced Sacred Two Piano Arrangements, (also sold separately) *Price covers two copies for each arrangement. Song list: I Shall Know Him, Showers of Blessing, When We All Get to Heaven
Price: $12.00
America Medley
Late intermediate sacred two pianos, 3 & 1/2 pgs. *Price covers two copies
Price: $4.50
Brethren We Have Met to Worship
Late elementary to early intermediate sacred piano duo (two pianos) 3 pgs. *Price covers two copies
Price: $4.00
Christmas Piano Duos Combo One
Sacred Two Piano Arrangements, (also sold separately) *Price covers two copies per arrangement Song list: Angels From the Realms of Glory (adv), God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen (late intermed.) , Joy to the World (early adv)
Price: $11.00
Gesu Bambino
Advanced two piano Christmas arrangement by Jenifer Cook 10 pages, Approx. length: 4:00 Great piece for offertory or recital! A very festive sounding selection with lots of contrast! The performers will appreciate the balanced interchange between parts.
Price: $5.50

Click here to watch “Gesu Bambino”

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
Late intermediate two piano sacred arrangement, 5 pgs. Price covers two copies. *As featured on the Simply Christmas Cd
Price: $4.75
I Shall Know Him (My Saviour First of All)
Late intermediate sacred two pianos, 4 & 1/2 pgs. *Price covers two copies
Price: $4.75
Jesus Loves Even Me (Two Pianos)
Jesus Loves Even Me (Two Pianos)
Student Part (2 pgs) Late beginner, Teacher Part (4 pgs.) Early intermediate *Also available for one piano - four hands on the Piano Duet Page
Price: $5.00

Click here to watch Jesus Loves Even Me

Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee (Two Pianos)
Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee (Two Pianos)
Two Piano Christmas special arranged by Jenifer Cook Price includes Piano One Part and Piano Two Part (one person per piano) This piece consists of an introduction, verse & chorus. A great piece for short offertory or recital special. See video below.
Price: $3.50

Click here to watch Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee

Joy to the World
Early advanced two piano sacred piano arrangement, 4 pgs Price covers two copies. *As featured on the Simply Christmas Cd (bell instrumentation not included)
Price: $4.75

Onward Christian Soldiers (Two Pianos)
Easy Two Piano arrangement at the Intermediate level for both parts. Contains an intro, verse, chorus, partial chorus and ending. All in the key of C Major An easy arrangement requiring little practice for the intermediate church pianist. Price covers two copies.
Price: $5.50

Click here to watch Onward Christian SoldiersĀ 

Showers of Blessing
Advanced sacred two pianos, 5 pgs. *Price covers two copies
Price: $4.75
Sweet Hour of Prayer
Sacred Two Pianos, 4 pgs. total (Verse one, chorus, repeat chorus) Teacher & student special! Easy-to-learn! Student plays accompaniment style entire song. The student's part consists mainly of broken chords giving them experience with an accompaniment style.
Price: $3.50

Click here to watch Sweet Hour of Prayer

Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus
Early advanced sacred two pianos, 3 pgs. *Price covers two copies *Also available in the Intermediate Piano Solos Collection #1
Price: $4.00
When I Survey Two Pianos
Intermediate to late intermediate sacred piano duo (two pianos) 4 pages per piano. *Adapted from "When I Survey Palm Sunday Ensemble" Also available as Three Pianos with flute and clarinet
Price: $6.00