Congregational Piano Arrangements

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Congregational Piano Hymn Arrangements (Booklet One)
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*Downloadable product only
Price: $16.00
10 Late intermediate to early advanced piano congregational arrangements. (All Hail the Power, Are you Washed, Blessed Assurance, Does Jesus Care, Dwelling in Beulah Land, I Love to Tell the Story, Praise Him! Praise Him!, Rock of Ages, Sweet By and By, Sweet Hour of Prayer) 34 pages
The arrangements in this booklet are in lower keys; making it easier for the average congregation to sing. *Three of the arrangements have key changes!
Each arrangement contains an introduction and at least two verses & choruses…several of the hymns contain three verses worth of accompaniment.
*Special note: The arrangements in this booklet do not support the four-part singing found in most hymnals. *Other suggested uses: vocal solos, violin specials, unison choir specials. **Another special note: These arrangements can not stand alone as piano solos since some of the melody is absent during the piano accompaniment.
10 Late intermediate to early advanced piano congregational arrangements. 37 pages
Songs include: And Can it Be, At the Cross, Come Thou Fount, Heaven Came Down, Higher Ground, I Shall Know Him (My Saviour First of All), It's Just Like His Great Love, My Faith Has Found a Resting Place, Near the Cross, What a Friend We Have in Jesus)
*Special note: The arrangements in this booklet do not support the four-part singing found in most hymnals. *Other suggested uses: vocal solos, violin specials, unison choir specials. **Another special note: These arrangements can not stand alone as piano solos since some of the melody is absent during the piano accompaniment.
Price: $16.00
11 Different congregational arrangements ranging from Late Intermediate to early advanced. 37 pages of music. He Leadeth Me with fill-ins for the fermatas is the bonus piece! These arrangements do not support the four vocal parts from the hymnal. Most of the songs are also lower in key by at least two half steps.
At Calvary, Crown Him, He Leadeth Me (with fermatas), He Leadeth Me (without fermatas) I Must Tell Jesus, It is Well, Like a River, One Day, Stand Up for Jesus,
Tell it to Jesus and Wonderful Grace of Jesus.
Price: $16.00
NEW: Click on image to view samples:
Early intermediate Christmas piano congregational arrangements, 21 pgs.
Due to numerous requests, Jenifer has created these easy-to-play piano congregationals...requiring minimal practice from the church pianist.
Song list: Angels We Have Heard on High, Away in a Manger, Hark the Herald Angels Sing, Joy to the World, O Come All Ye Faithful, O Holy Night, O Little Town of Bethlehem, Silent Night, The First Noel, What Child is This.
*Special note: Angels We Have Heard on High contains a nice key change for last verse. *No introductions are provided but the pianist can easily create their own by playing last few measures of arrangement for the intro.
Price: $14.00
Easy-to-Play Congregational Collection-One
Early intermediate to intermediate piano congregational arrangements, 16 pgs.
Jenifer wrote these arrangements in an easy-to-learn fashion for the beginning church pianist. You'll find these arrangements to be fairly structured making for minimal practice.
Song list: Amazing Grace, Day by Day, Grace Greater Than Our Sin, I Need Thee Every Hour, It is Well, Nothing but the Blood, Only a Sinner, O Worship the King, Satisfied, Trust and Obey. *Amazing Grace contains optional key change into Grace Greater Than Our Sin
Price: $14.00
Five Late elementary Christmas congregational arrangements.
Each arrangement includes an introduction.
These arrangements can be used as piano solos or congregational singing.
Song list:
Away in a Manger,
I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day,
O Come All Ye Faithful,
Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne,
What Child is This?
Price: $8.00
Early intermediate congregational arrangements by Jenifer Cook.
Ten hymns:
All Hail thePower, Are You Washed?, Have Thine Own Way, Higher Ground, I Love to Tell the Story, Revive Us Again, Sweet Hour of Prayer, Tell it to Jesus, Tis So Sweet, Where He Leads. Most of these arrangements can stand alone as a piano solo with the exception of: Are You Washed and Sweet Hour of Prayer. View the first three hymn arrangements by clicking on the COVER PHOTO
Price: $14.00
Congregational piano accompaniment, early advanced, 2 pgs. *Also available in Booklet One above.
Other suggested uses: Piano accompaniment for vocal solo or flute or violin solo
Price: $2.25
Congregational piano accompaniment, early advanced, 3pgs, *Also available in Booklet One above. Other suggested uses: Piano accompaniment for vocal solo or flute or violin solo
Price: $3.25
Congregational piano accompaniment,early advanced, 3 pgs. *Also available in Booklet One above.
Other suggested uses: Piano accompaniment for vocal solo or flute or violin solo
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Price: $3.25
Great is Thy Faithfulness
Congregational piano accompaniment, late intermediate to early advanced, 4pgs Contains two verses and two choruses.
*Supports unison or soprano and tenor voice parts. Not intended for four part singing.
Price: $4.50
Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne
Early intermediate Christmas piano congregational, 1 & 1/4 pgs. Key of C
One verse and chorus with 1st & 2nd ending.
*Compatible for mostly unison singing
Price: $1.75