Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Church Pianist Update: Gesu Bambino (Two Piano Arrangement)

Wednesday, October 4th, 2017


A NO Makeup Morning!

Gotta finish this two piano arrangement of Gesu Bambino today!  Need to submit to SMPress Holiday arranging contest by October 10th!  I like to have breathing space to allow time for editing 🙂


Protected: Dad Singing God Bless America

Wednesday, May 13th, 2015

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Update on “I’d Rather Have Jesus”

Tuesday, February 24th, 2015

Just talked with the lady today who’s helping with the permission/license for my arrangement of “I’d Rather Have Jesus”.

The process has begun!  I will keep everyone posted.

Advanced Sacred Piano Solo in the Works

Tuesday, January 20th, 2015

pen laying on staff paper

I’m working on an advanced sacred piano solo of “I’d  Rather Have Jesus”.

I just finished the first verse and chorus. (handwritten version)

Down with the Flu

Monday, January 5th, 2015

Sorry for the lack of posts.  We were out of town three times unexpectedly over the holidays and I’ve had the flu since last week.

Plan on posting as soon as I’m better.

Winner of “I’d Rather Have Jesus” CD

Friday, November 28th, 2014

Congratulations to Julia Swarner for winning a FREE copy of “I’d Rather Have Jesus” CD by Mary Lynn Van Gelderen.

Julia…I need your email address 🙂  Please email me at  Thanks!

Invitation Collection Update!

Tuesday, June 10th, 2014


Returned from trip to my parent’s and working on the piano invitation collection.

Oh…there will be thirteen arrangements instead of twelve.  I had been overlooking one other song in my file collection while working on this project. It’s actually a medley of “Draw Me Nearer with Close to Thee”.


Invitational Arrangement Collection Update:

Friday, May 23rd, 2014

pen laying on staff paper

 I’m re-structuring one of the invitational arrangements into a medley.  “I Must Tell Jesus” flows nicely into “What a Friend We Have in Jesus”.

Just inputted one of my most recent invitational arrangements today to Finale…”I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go”.  (great for messages with a mission’s emphasis)

The invitation collection will consist of twelve arrangements and the pieces mentioned above are the last two!



Church Pianist Still Around?

Monday, May 5th, 2014

small manuscript thumbnail pic

Yes, I’m still here!  We have had a very hectic schedule for the past three weeks and just getting back to our normal (we hope) routine.

I’m working on this week’s article right now which is a free sheet of improvising ideas for accompanying a vocal solo to “Down From His Glory”.

The ideas will be similar to Faye Lopez’ spontaneous arrangement which took place at this past year’s annual Wild’s Music Conference.

Update! Project in the Works…

Thursday, March 6th, 2014


I know…I’ve been fairly quiet!  Just to let you know why 🙂

I’ve been working on a “Background Invitation” collection that I hope to finish soon!  I hope to have at least twelve songs in this collection.  Just started on the ninth one.

I also woke up this morning with ideas for a piano duet of “Come Thou Fount” and started writing before it left me!  Can’t wait to share this one!

Back to writing….