The Church Pianist: What’s an Augmented Chord?

The word “augment” means to make larger.  That is exactly what happens

when a chord is augmented…it is made a half step greater.

The augmented chord adds a touch of “suspense or anticipation” to

a song.

An augmented chord is just like a major chord (in root position)

with a raised fifth.

For example:

The  C major chord in root position = C E G

The C augmented chord  = C E G#

Any major chord can be augmented within a song as long

as it sounds right.

Alot of hymns use the augmented chord. Here are two

brief examples.

Click here: Part_One_The_Augmented_Chord

Did you find the augmented chords in the above example?

If not, here are the answers: (There was only one in each example).

Moment by Moment: on the word “by”

Thank You Lord: on the word “for”

In part two, I will share how to use the augmented chord

as a  chord substitution in hymns.

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