Posts Tagged ‘chord subsitutions’

Lesson Two: The II 7 Chord Substitution with Have Thine Own Way

Thursday, August 25th, 2011

Chord Scenario for this II 7  Chord Substitution:

When a I chord lasts for at least two beats and leads into a V or V 7  chord that lasts 3 or more  beats…the II 7 can replace a I chord.

On to our example in Have Thine Own Way in E flat major.  Since E flat is the first note in the key of E flat…it is number one. So F is the second note in the key of E flat major.  The ii chord would be: F-A flat-C.

Now let’s alter this minor ii chord by making it major.  Raise the middle note to A natural.  Are you beginning to catch on?  You now have the II  chord:  F-A natural-C   See illustration below:

Key-of-E-flat-Major-ii-7-and-II7-chord-visual*I added an E flat (not shown)… on the top of the II chord…making it a II 7 (the E flat is 7 notes from the bottom note (F).  Added 7ths make a chord sound SO much richer!

*You’ll notice the note members of the II 7 chord in the following excerpt are scrambled between both hands. The note “C” is missing (which is ok)… but the rest are present.

The-II-7-Chord-Substitution~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~

Now…a couple more examples of the II 7 chord substitution in the key of A flat & G Major.

~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~

Lesson Two (more II7 chord substitution examples)

   Special Note!

Are you wondering how to use the ii 7 chord in each example?  Whenever a V or V7 chord is lasting three or more beats…use the ii 7 chord first and then resolve to the written V or V 7 chord. I’ll share examples of this chord substitution in another article.  So much to share!

Church Pianist Tip:  Remember…chord substitutions can not be used during congregational singing unless they are singing unison. Why? Because the substitution chords will conflict with the voice parts.

Click here for: Lesson One: The  II 7 Chord Substitution

Lesson One: The II 7 Chord Substitution

Wednesday, August 17th, 2011

A reader writes…

I’ve printed your “Have Thine Own Way, Lord”.  How did you know to put a F7 on the 2nd “own” in the first  full measure….
Is there a process of knowing what chords are to be uses as substitution and when to use them?

Fortunately…yes!  🙂  There’s an endless supply of chord substitutions that can be used…depending on the initial chord scenario.

To begin with, I’ll apply this II 7 chord substitution to  the key of C Major for easier application. (Otherwise, it’s like teaching a beginner to play Moonlight Sonata at his first lesson)

So…what’s a II chord?!  In simple terms…it’s an altered chord.  Normally, the second chord in any major key is a minor chord…thus marked in lowercase roman numerals…ii.  For example, in the key of C Major…the ii chord is D-F-A.  (D is the second note in the key of C Major which gives the chord its number).   But…we can alter the chord (making it a major chord) by raising the middle note of the chord (the note F to an F sharp). * See example below

Now…to create the II 7 chord…just add the 7th note above the bottom note of the chord.      *See Example below

C Major ( how to create the II 7 chord)

Chord Scenario for the II 7 Chord Substitution:

1. When a I chord lasts for at least two or more beats leading into a V or V 7 chord lasting two or more beats. (to allow time for chords to develop) I’ve used the II 7 chord with less beats but in general…it’s best to allow enough beats for chords to sound like they belong and not just randomly thrown in.

In the examples below, I’ve included the vocal and piano score to reflect the changes made in the piano accompaniment.  *Reminder: chord substitutions clash with congregational singing due to the note changes.

I use chord substitutions when playing solo offertories, background music for invitation, prelude/postlude, communion and accompanying a vocal or instrumental soloist.

Examples in C Major (II 7 substitution)

~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~

 In Lesson Two, I’ll share more examples of this II7 chord substitution… including “Have Thine Own Way”.

*Please feel free to ask questions.